Travengers AU on ABC 7.30

On Anzac Day 2023 Travengers AU made it to national TV, on ABC 7.30.

We  had lots of new requests and lovely feedback coming in after the screening, so THANK YOU for the support!

ABC’s story about Travengers follows Blake and Jacob who met for the first time on our Supported Schoolies trip to the Gold Coast and quickly became friends, and a month later travelled together to Melbourne.

On the trips they’re learning to travel independently, packing, checking in at the airport, cooking together and getting around, with support.

The story highlights the importance of travelling for a young person, including for young autistic people.

Blake shares how he’d like to travel independently in the future, and Jacob shares how he didn’t connect with people in school, but now feels like he fits in at Travengers.

Jacob’s mum: “I think it’s important for him to learn to travel independently”.

Blake’s mum: “it has opened up his world”.

I was so nervous myself, but so proud of our crew! ⭐
– Agnes


Watch the video here:

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